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Photo: G. Bradley
Safari Tip:
A great way to humanely catch mice is with one of these Longworth Traps - click
Latin name: Mus musculus
Size: The house mouse grows to around 15cm from nose to tip of tail.
Distribution: Throughout the UK.
Months seen: All year
Habitat: This species seems to depend on mankind for its survival. Wherever people live, the house mouse is not far away. Saint Kilda is an island off the north west coast of Scotland. Mice had been living there for hundreds of years. When the last farmers left the island in 1930 the house mice all died within a few years.
Food: Their diet consists of almost anything, which is one of the reasons they are such great survivors, and so numerous.
Special features: Female house mice can produce up to 50 offspring each year, which is another reason for their high numbers.
The fur is normally a grey colour, but there are many variations.

UK Safari Mammal Section
The Longworth Humane Trap
"The most successful humane mouse trap we've ever used"
